Ivermectin for humans

Ivermectin for humans

Ivermectin is a medication used to treat a variety of parasitic infections in animals, including heartworm, mange, and various internal and external parasites. In recent years, it has gained attention as a potential treatment for certain human illnesses, including COVID-19.

Expert opinions on the use of ivermectin for humans are divided. Some studies have shown promising results in treating parasitic infections such as river blindness and scabies. However, other studies suggest that ivermectin may not be effective in treating COVID-19, and that it may actually pose risks to human health in high doses.

This article will explore the current research on using ivermectin for human health, including its potential benefits, risks, and effectiveness.

Potential Benefits of Ivermectin for Humans

One of the primary benefits of ivermectin for human health is its effectiveness in treating certain parasitic infections. Ivermectin has been shown to be highly effective against strongyloidiasis and scabies, two conditions that can be difficult to treat using standard medications.

In addition, some studies have suggested that ivermectin may have antiviral properties. This has led some researchers to explore whether the medication could be used to treat illnesses such as COVID-19.

Potential Risks of Ivermectin for Humans

While ivermectin has been deemed safe for use in animals, there are potential risks associated with using the medication in humans. In high doses, ivermectin can lead to serious side effects, including seizures, hallucinations, and even coma or death.

In addition, there are concerns that the use of ivermectin in humans may lead to the emergence of drug-resistant parasites and viruses. This could potentially make it more difficult to treat these conditions in the future.

The Effectiveness of Ivermectin for Humans

The current research on the effectiveness of ivermectin for treating COVID-19 is mixed. While some studies have suggested that the medication may be effective in reducing mortality rates and speeding up recovery times, other studies have found no evidence to support these claims.

There is also some debate about the appropriate dosage of ivermectin for treating human illnesses. Some experts believe that current dosages used in animal treatments may be too high for humans, while others argue that a high dose is necessary to achieve the desired therapeutic effect.

In conclusion, ongoing research is needed to better understand the potential benefits, risks, and effectiveness of using ivermectin in humans. Until more is known, individuals should only use ivermectin under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

What is Ivermectin?

Ivermectin is a medication that belongs to the class of drugs called antiparasitics. It is primarily used to treat parasites such as head lice, scabies, and river blindness in both humans and animals.

It was first introduced in the 1980s and has since become a widely used and very effective treatment for these parasitic infections.

How does Ivermectin work?

Ivermectin works by targeting the nervous system of the parasites, causing paralysis and eventually death. This makes it highly effective in killing off infestations and preventing further spread of these parasites.

It has also been found to have some anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties which can be beneficial in certain situations.

What are the potential benefits of Ivermectin for humans?

  • Treating parasitic infections such as head lice, scabies and river blindness
  • Experiencing anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects in some situations
  • Potential use in preventing and treating COVID-19, although research is ongoing and not yet conclusive

Overall, Ivermectin has many potential benefits for humans and is a highly effective treatment for certain parasitic infections. However, as with any medication, it is important to fully understand the risks and potential side effects before use.

Benefits of Ivermectin for Humans

1. Treatment of Parasitic Infections

Ivermectin has shown great efficacy in treating various parasitic infections including strongyloidiasis, onchocerciasis, and lymphatic filariasis. It has also been successfully used to treat scabies and head lice. The drug targets the parasites' nervous system, leading to their paralysis and death.

2. Potential Use Against COVID-19

Recent studies have suggested that ivermectin may have potential use in treating COVID-19. The drug has shown promising results in vitro in reducing the viral load of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Clinical trials are ongoing to determine its effectiveness in treating COVID-19 patients.

3. Safe and Affordable

Ivermectin is a safe and widely used drug that has been on the market for over 30 years. It is included in the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, which recognizes the most effective and safe medicines needed in a health system. Additionally, it is affordable and accessible in many parts of the world, making it an important tool in the fight against parasitic infections.

4. Reduction in Transmission of Parasitic Infections

Treatment with ivermectin can lead to a reduction in the transmission of parasitic infections, as it greatly reduces the amount of parasites in an infected individual's body. This can help prevent the spread of the infection to others and can be especially important in areas with high rates of these diseases.

5. Potential Use in Veterinary Medicine

Ivermectin is also used in veterinary medicine to treat parasitic infections in livestock. This can lead to a reduction in the spread of these parasites to humans who come into contact with infected animals. Additionally, it can improve the health of livestock, leading to increased productivity and food security.

Overall, ivermectin has many potential benefits for human health, including its effectiveness in treating parasitic infections and potential use in treating COVID-19. Its safety and affordability make it a valuable tool in improving global health.

Risks Associated with Ivermectin Use in Humans

Liver Damage

One of the most serious risks associated with Ivermectin use in humans is liver damage. In rare cases, the drug has been known to cause liver injury, which can be severe enough to result in liver failure and death. Patients with liver disease or other pre-existing liver conditions may be at a higher risk for liver damage when taking this medication.

Allergic Reactions

Another potential risk of Ivermectin use is an allergic reaction. Although this is rare, some patients may experience hives, itching, or difficulty breathing after taking the drug. If an allergic reaction occurs, patients should seek medical attention immediately to prevent further complications.

Drug Interactions

Ivermectin may interact with other medications, including blood-thinners and certain antibiotics, which may increase the risk of side effects or cause drug toxicity. Patients should inform their healthcare provider of all medications they are currently taking before starting Ivermectin treatment.

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

There is limited data on the safety of Ivermectin use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Animal studies have shown that Ivermectin can cause fetal harm, and the drug is excreted in breast milk. As a result, the medication should only be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding if the potential benefits outweigh the risks.


As with any medication, overuse can lead to the development of resistance, which can make the drug less effective over time. There is concern that the widespread use of Ivermectin to treat COVID-19 could lead to the development of resistance and limit its usefulness in the future.


While Ivermectin can be an effective treatment for certain conditions, it is not without risk. Patients considering treatment with Ivermectin should discuss the potential risks and benefits with their healthcare provider before starting treatment. It is important to follow dosage guidelines and inform your healthcare provider of any pre-existing medical conditions or medications you are taking.

Ivermectin Effectiveness in Treating COVID-19

Studies and Research

There has been a lot of controversy surrounding the use of ivermectin for COVID-19 treatment. While some studies have shown promising results, others have found no significant benefits. One study conducted in Argentina found that taking ivermectin reduced the risk of hospitalization in COVID-19 patients by 71%. However, another study in Egypt found no significant differences in mortality rates between the ivermectin group and the control group.

Mechanism of Action

Ivermectin is an antiparasitic drug that works by inhibiting the replication of RNA viruses. This includes SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Ivermectin has also been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties, which could help reduce the severity of COVID-19 symptoms.

Usage in Other Countries

Despite conflicting research, ivermectin has been widely used in some countries to treat COVID-19. India, for example, included ivermectin as part of their national COVID-19 treatment protocol. In Peru, it was reported that ivermectin was responsible for a decrease in COVID-19 cases and deaths.


While the effectiveness of ivermectin in treating COVID-19 is still up for debate, it has shown promising results in some studies. It is important to note that more research is needed before ivermectin can be widely recommended for COVID-19 treatment. As with any medication, it should only be taken under the guidance of a doctor.



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About the Author

Blake Duncan
FFNATION founder and Bitcoin lover!

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